Building a successful business requires responsible choices, decisions and actions. At Paulig, we always comply with the applicable laws, regulations and norms in the countries where we operate. We conduct our operations with integrity and ethics and are accountable for our actions. We respect the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human rights of employees and society in our operations. 

These Ethical Principles define our will to promote ethical behaviour beyond the laws and regulations. The Ethical Principles are a cornerstone in our operations and all our employees are introduced to them as part of the induction program. 

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We avoid conflict of interest

Pauligians always act in the best interest of Paulig. This means that we need to continuously assess and avoid a conflict or an appearance of a conflict between personal and company interests.

We don’t accept any forms of corruption, bribery or unfair practices to gain any business advantage. We do not give or accept gifts or hospitality in exchange for doing, or promising to do favours for customers, supplier, government officials, or any other stakeholders. 

We give careful consideration when dealing with friends, relatives or family members in our work. We do not favour them, whether they are colleagues, customers, suppliers or representatives of any other stakeholders. 

We exceed the consumers’ expectations

Our promise to the consumers is great tasting and high-quality products. We listen to and engage with consumers and other stakeholders to ensure knowledge of their expectations and requirements on our products and services.
We assess the impacts of our products and we are committed to continuous improvement and product development. We consider aspects such as health, product safety and usability.

We market in a sound manner and provide adequate information about our products and services  to help consumers make informed purchasing choices. We respond to consumers’ inquiries quickly, correctly and effectively. 

We foster a responsible way of sourcing

We strive to contribute to the development of the social and environmental conditions by increasing transparency in the supply chain and by paying special attention to human rights, safe and healthy working conditions and environmental sustainability.
We carefully choose our suppliers and aim at long-term partnerships to create shared value to all parties in the supply chain.We strive to improve traceability in our supply chain, to develop our supplier assessment  and  support our suppliers to improve their operations and practices, also in challenging environments.

We clarify our expectations and mandatory requirements to our partners and suppliers in our Code of Conduct for Suppliers, which outlines our standards on human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption in alignment with UN Global Compact.

We care for the environment

At Paulig, we actively and continuously improve processes and products in an environmentally sound manner. We integrate environmental considerations in our way of working and the decisions we take, in order to reduce impacts along our value chain. 
We consider environmental aspects when developing new and existing products and services and we seek to improve our knowledge on the environmental impacts of what we do. 

We respond to the environmental challenges that our industry faces. We seek actively collaboration and opportunities for a dialogue with our business partners and other stakeholders to develop environmentally sound practises. 

We respect people

We respect everyone as a person and professional, both within and outside the company. We expect our suppliers and partners to do the same. We believe that everyone is unique and promote inclusion by respecting diversity. We listen to and respect each other’s opinions, both within and outside our company. 

We live up to the standards of our Code of Ethics. We therefore promote fundamental human rights in all of our operations and work environments. There is no place for any kind of harassment, discrimination, disrespectful or offensive behavior. 
We strive  for a great and safe working place and continuous improvement in employee engagement. We are committed to systematically assess, develop and enhance our skills and ways of working to minimize industrial accidents and occupational diseases. 

We build trust

Trust is crucial in succeeding in our business. We show genuine interest to others and their perspectives. We engage our stakeholders by listening, discussing and including their expectations in our decisions and actions. We are credible in what we do. Our customers need to be able to trust our expertise, the quality and safety of our products, and what we say about them. 

We share information openly and promote transparency both inside the company and in collaboration with our customers, partners and other stakeholders.

We constantly nurture our integrity in all our actions. We keep our promises and our communication is honest and accurate.

En savoir plus summer 2018
Purpose and values