Our ambition is that, by 2030, 70% of the net sales come from products and services that enable health and wellbeing of people and the planet. Today, our product portfolio is almost 100% plant-based, and we will continue to develop our products in a healthier direction as well as innovate new products that are better/enable health for both people and the planet.

To set actions in motion, we have created a nutrition framework to define what we mean by a product enabling health for people. The framework was completed during 2021, and it has paved the way for evaluating current status, continuous monitoring and development of our product portfolio. The framework helped us in identification of focus areas and the creation of an overarching roadmap to realize our health ambition by 2030.

Next, we will build a framework to evaluate and identify focus areas enabling health for the planet. We will set category level targets for nutrition and continue to inspire sustainable consumption through our consumer brands. 

Alongside aiming to systematically reduce the environmental footprint of our products and inspiring consumers to opt for sustainable choices, we take food safety and quality with the utmost seriousness. Read more about our food safety and quality policy.

En savoir plus

Karin Jonsson, Sustainability Program Manager, Nutrition and Food Health at Paulig
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